samedi 24 janvier 2015

T'es nouveau

Hell'o. Perso, j'vous conseille Hero Corp. Ça a de la gueule, quand même. Eh ouais mon p'tit bonhomme.

Pas d'histoire aujourd'hui. C'est l'heure du sport, du sort et du mort.

Mais peut-être est-ce une histoire.

dimanche 21 décembre 2014

Le moment venu, le moment juste.

Hell'o. Today I speak french 'cause I'm too lazy. But don't worry, english readers, maybe I'll use a friend to translate.

Dérivé d'un projet pour les Jeunes Talents, non-sélectionné. Au départ, c'est en trois planches séparées :

Ce doit être la première fois que je travaillais avec autant de brouillons, d'essais préparatoires, de réflexion sur le mode narratif. Après tout, on sait combien les rhinocéros foncent dans les arbres avant de trouver un coin tranquille.

dimanche 2 novembre 2014


Hell'o. Labyrinths are hard to build, especially when made of seven groups of seven hexagons.

Vilain controls electricity.

Heros make what they want.

She left.

But maybe it was a different story.

samedi 1 novembre 2014

Stand up

Hell'o. This is a hungry day.

A gangster movie is being shooting.

A strange maybe absurd movie is being shooting.

Life of Brian is being shooting.

But maybe it was a different story.

vendredi 31 octobre 2014


Hell'o. I would like to draw special strips for Halloween. But time was not mine.

There was a country with ogres.

So humans create some stuff.

Finally it was the end of moon.

But maybe it was a different story.

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Aus des ersten Dimension

Hell'o. Perhaps we should build an altar in honor to Saul Steinberg. Or just read his stuff and enjoy.

In a horror country was a thin house.

In a thin house was strange people.

In strange people was regular atoms. Although they proceed oddly.

But maybe it was a different story.

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Angry hungry

Hell'o. I have a desire for mimolette, such a good cheese.

The man wants to quit his line.

The man continues.

The man is lost.

But maybe it was a different story.